
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Anniversary Postcard - Chicago, Illinois

Dixi and I received another postcard today. This one is from Christopher in Chicago. Chris is the proprietor of two blogs. The first is Notes From Underground, which you will find over there on the right in our "Stuff We Read". He also writes movie reviews on Netflix Stream. Both are well worth checking out.

From 10th Anniversary

A breathtaking view of the Chicago River.

From 10th Anniversary

Thank you Christopher!
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  1. hi ya ..
    info thanks ..
    I was very impressed and pleased to read about this
    add my experiences.

    successful greetings

  2. Sure thing! Glad it got there without the pencil wearing off. I didn't have a pen with me so I filled it out with one of the pencils in the lottery ticket stand. I didn't win the lottery sadly, but at least some good came out of the trip!
