
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blanton Art Museum

Dixi and I have many things in common.  One of those things is both of our birthdays arriving in October.  And they arrive year after year after year.   Without fail.  You could mark it on a calendar.

One of the things I've always been good at when it comes to my wife is the ability to plan things for us to do on her birthday and on our anniversary.  So due to the lack of copious amounts of discretionary funds last October, I was hard pressed to come up with something wonderful and memorable to do for her birthday.  But I came up with something that I think was pretty amazing.  I think Dixi agrees.

Dixi's favorite painter is Claude Monet.  We have Monet prints on the walls of the house.  She has Monet stationary.  Monet calendars.  Monet Monet Monet.  Which is fine with me since I happen to think his art is very pleasing.  So over the years some of those things, like the stationary and calendars, have been purchased by me for Dixi.  But I lucked out the past October 2nd.

The Blanton Art Museum at the University of Texas had a showing titled "Turner to Monet: Masterpieces from the Walters Art Museum".  We actually got to see, with our own eyes, two Monet paintings.  Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures of the actual picture due to security reasons and such.  But it was truely a once in a lifetime kind of experience for the two of us.  Something about being able to be that close to such a work of art is beyond words.  We also took the time to walk through the rest of the exhibits that were on display and found lots of other interesting items that we were able to take pictures of.  Please forgive my photographic skills, as they aren't the best but I hope that I'm improving.  Below you will find a slide show containing pictures of some wonderful works of art from the Blanton Art Museum.  Enjoy.

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1 comment:

  1. My parents are huge Monet fans so I grew up with water lilies on our walls. If you ever make it to Chicago check out the Art Institute, they have a lot of Monet's works here.
